Okonomiyaki Pizza

The last month here at Cottage Foods has been very busy and has left most of us turning to the comfort food gods... So this weekend we all took the time to try something new, something combining our recent love for comfort food and our Japanese culinary adventure..... 

As such, we give you...... Okonomiyaki Pizza.... This beauty is the perfect blend of Italian and Japanese street food... 


1 ready-made pizza base 
3 rashers of Grumpy Pigs Oak Smoked bacon
2 cabbage leaves
2 spring onions
Soprano cheese
2 tbsp Panko Breadcrumb (fried) 
1 tbsp Shimanto Dashi Vinegar
Aonori seaweed

Okonomiyaki sauce (Blend the below to create)
1½ tbsp tomato ketchup
½ tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp runny honey
1 tsp dark soy sauce


Finely chop your cabbage and spring onions, then slice the bacon into bite sized pieces. Brush the top of your pizza with okonomiyaki sauce, then top with the cabbage, bacon, spring onion, melty cheese and a good squirt of mayonnaise.

Cook the pizza for around 15-18 minutes or until crispy.

Garnish with okonomiyaki sauce, fried Panko, Shimanto Dashi Vinegar and aonori seaweed. Enjoy.

RecipeAlistair Cullen